From Content to Community

We Elevate Your Digital Presence from Vision to Reality


Multimedia Content Creation:
From engaging social media posts to captivating videos and graphics, we create content that resonates, informs and converts. Your story deserves to be told right and we know how to translate complex or technical material into engaging digital content.

Social Media Management:
Keep your focus sharp on your core objectives while we leverage our vast experience and comprehensive skills to manage your social media accounts and amplify your online influence.

Community Building & Management:
We create and manage thriving Discord servers & Telegram channels that unlock the power of your community. We foster meaningful interactions and spark lively discussions by engaging and connecting with your audience.

Video production:
Whether live or remotely, our combined team are experts at extracting the essence of your message and featuring it in the best light to engage your target audience. Whether interviews, panel recordings, thought-leadership pieces or event sizzle reels, we take care of everything and communicate proactively at every step of the way.

White Papers:
Solidify your industry standing with a meticulously researched and expertly written white paper. Our team delves deep into the subject matter, presenting complex information with clarity and authority.

Event Promotion:
Whether it’s a conference, product launch or a special gathering, we elevate events into unforgettable occasions. We provide professional live reporting, digital promotion and top-notch videography that captures every highlight in stunning detail.

Strategy & Consulting:
Our digital marketing and intimate knowledge of the business, tech, blockchain and advocacy spaces come together to provide actionable insights and strategies for emerging and well-established organizations alike.


Prestigious organizations that use our services

canadian web3 council logo
Helios logo
blockscope logo


“BlockFlo’s expertise in elevating our LinkedIn brand has been transformative. Their deep industry understanding and ability to craft compelling narratives have greatly enhanced our brand’s visibility and reputation. Their commitment to delivering results, especially in securing impactful media coverage and optimizing messaging for diverse audiences, is remarkable. Their professionalism and innovative approach make them an invaluable partner for enhancing social media presence. We highly recommend BlockFlo for their outstanding service and dedication to client success.”
Laurent Féral-Pierssens

Founder & CEO at BlockZero Advisors

“BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL) was able to dive right into the work we needed them to do and produced incredible results. Our work is very technical, and they were able to bring the expertise we needed to get the job done. They require very little direction and feel like an extension of our organization. I look forward to continuing to work with them to help elevate our advocacy efforts

Morva Rohani

Executive Director at Canadian Web3 Council

“BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL)’s professional team’s ability to help target the right audience is particularly impressive. With so much noise on Twitter, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and reach the people who are most likely to engage with your content. However, BlockFlo Digital’s services have helped us achieve the visibility we wanted and to overcome the challenge of connecting with the right audiences. We highly recommend trying BlockFlo Digital for any business looking to grow.”

Mahyar Akhbari

Co-Founder Blockchain Futurist Conference and ETH Toronto

“Blockchain North, Flo and Bobby have been amazing partners! From helping manage digital presence to surfacing opportunities and helping Blockscope have a larger presence in the Web3 community in Canada, they have been a great team to collaborate with!”

Adit Patel

Founder & CEO at Blockscope

“In just 6 months, we have doubled our audience and seen growing engagement rates effortlessly! The BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL) team is passionate about its clients and understands crypto so collaboration was both easy & effective.”

Koleya Karringten

Executive Director at Canada Blockchain Consortium

Flo and Bobby were a true pleasure to work with on the Helios Whitepaper. Quick and professional. Fun, insightful and knowledgeable. We highly recommend BlockFlo Digital!”

Ryder Havdale

Founder & CEO - Helios

“BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL)’s services have significantly impacted our social media outreach and lead generation efforts within just a few months. Our social media presence has doubled in terms of both followers and quality connections. Working with Flo and the team has been a pleasure; they are consistently responsive, supportive, knowledgeable, and courteous. They adapted to our niche target audience providing personalized recommendations to enhance our social media presence. BlockFlo Digital comes highly recommended for businesses seeking to unlock their social media potential.”

Aryn Garswood

Head of the BDO Zone Initiative

“I have worked with Florent on several projects, all related to my own personal branding, social media outreach, website design and profile expansion. Florent and his team at BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL) were always amazing to work with — responsive to requests, super professional and supportive, and always provided excellent work. I’d recommend Florent to anyone who’s looking to increase their own personal or business network.”

Todd Hirsch

Professional Speaker

“BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL)’s service delivered tremendous value and has helped me improve my outreach amongst key audiences! The team’s service is personalized, responsive and turnkey, which will be appreciated by many leaders I’m sure!”

Anne-Raphaëlle Audouin

CEO at Nukik Corporation

Thanks to Flo of BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL) who has supported Scaling Up since 2018. This year, his presentation “3 Steps to Boost your Social Reach & Influence” really stimulated the audience and was timely for Canada’s Bioeconomy. I have also been enjoying his engaging mini-interviews with Scaling Up industry leaders. We look forward to working together in 2023.”

Jeff Passmore

Founder & CEO Scaling Up Bioeconomy Conference

Working with Flo and his team has been a tremendous experience.  BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL)’s energy and professionalism have supported amazing growth and engagement on our social media channels , while also supporting our overarching marketing strategy.
For any business leader who is looking to cut through the noise and elevate their social media voice (presence), BlockFlo Digital brings results.

Michelle Branigan

CEO, Electricity Human Resources Canada

About Us

BlockFlo Digital offers a whole suite of digital marketing services “from content to community”, with an emphasis on blockchain & tech startups, not for profits and thought-leadership. We amplify your voice, elevate your brand and convert.

Our team brings together three decades of combined expertise in content production, including the production and editing of multiple publications, websites and social media campaigns, over 1,500 high-level interviews, and specialized consulting for over 50 startups.

Our diverse background in new media, journalism, television production, professional copywriting, and strategic marketing enriches our approach, ensuring each project benefits from a depth of knowledge and a breadth of experience.

At the core of our services is a steadfast commitment to your success, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed the expectations set for us, aligning with your best interests at every turn.

We walk the talk and have your best interest at heart.

For more information, see our client testimonials below or contact us today.

Your Project Team

Florent "Flo" Thévenin

Florent "Flo" Thévenin

Founder & CEO + Podcast Host

As a professinoal communicator, leader and entrepreneur, Flo has produced multimedia projects globally since 2008. 

In 2017, he co-created, an impressive Canadian-focused site of leader interviews on the future economy, and built an influential national network and social media following in the process. Previously for a decade, Flo produced high-profile investment profiles in Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and eventually in Canada, where he also organized three high-level conferences in Alberta.

Flo speaks 4 languages, he has lived and worked in 12 countries and 3 Canadian provinces (AB, BC, QC), he has conducted over 1,500 top-level leader interviews across Canada and globally.

In 2021, Florent initiated BlockFlo Digital (formerly DN4TL), buildng on his vast digital marketing and thought-leadership expertise, and his own Canadian influencer profile. Coupled with his affinity for creative content, advocacy, technology and blockchain (he’s also the Founder of Blockchain North), Flo helps leaders and SMEs up their game online and ultimately grow their business.

Bobby Barone

Bobby Barone

Director & Blockchain Lead

Bobby is a consultant and copywriter with seven years of work experience in the blockchain industry. Formerly a Financial Securities Advisor, he became deeply intrigued by blockchain technology and disruptive business models in the financial technology space. He co-founded Canadian Cryptocurrency Consulting in 2016, a full-service consulting firm empowering promising blockchain projects to achieve their funding goals. He has worked with over 40 crypto startups, assisting in project management, copywriting, business development, marketing, social media and community management.

Nicolle Hodges

Nicolle Hodges

Director & Content Lead

Nicolle has over a decade of expertise spanning social media management, marketing strategy, copywriting, and PR/media relations. Her journalistic acumen, especially in the realm of disruptive markets, provides a deep understanding of evolving trends, equipping her to create digital marketing strategies that resonate with contemporary audiences.

Her career highlights include: television host and producer for CTV, Canada’s preeminent television network; culture editor for Herb, a leading digital cannabis publication; and the sole female host for The Dales Report, an investor-centric media platform, where she regularly interviewed the top CEOs of psychedelic and Web3 companies.

Juan Carlos Lara

Juan Carlos Lara

Digital Content Specialist

An innovative creator at heart, Juan has been at the forefront of the digital revolution. With a journey that took off in 2021, Juan had his start on blockchain by creating captivating video trailers for NFT collections and blockchain initiatives. One year later Juan partnered with prominent YouTubers, lending expertise to amplify their presence across various platforms and propel their growth. Juan’s strategic approach to digital marketing has been pivotal in crafting successful campaigns and social media content that resonates and engages. Always proactive and on the move, Juan continues to pave the way for brands and creators to thrive in the digital landscape. With a keen eye for composition and a steady hand, Juan transforms ordinary scenes into stunning visual narratives, clients benefit from Juan’s dedication to crafting videos that are not only visually appealing but also strategically aligned with their branding and marketing goals.

Bryan Tritt

Bryan Tritt

Strategic Advisor

With over 15 years in communications and public relations, Bryan Tritt joins Blockchain North as Strategic Advisor. Specializing in corporate communications, media relations, social media, crisis management, content marketing and strategy, Bryan has worked with household name B2B and B2C fintech brands including Binance, TurboTax, Mint, QuickBooks, and goeasy Ltd.

Bryan earned a Master of Science in Sports Business from New York University, holds dual degrees in Civil and Common Law from McGill University, and completed a Bachelor of Arts in International Comparative Studies at the University of Western Ontario.

Bryan has built a reputation for building strategies that navigate complex industries and effectively manage reputational challenges. His skill set includes public relations, corporate communications, social media, content marketing, public affairs, and CSR. He has experience in both agency and in-house roles, providing a well-rounded view on achieving communication goals.

Adam Wells

Adam Wells

Digital Media Advisor

After a year, during which he helped BlockFlo in multiple areas, from social media management and graphic design, to video production and diverse client work, Adam returned to university and became an advisor to the company. With a keen eye for design, a passion for writing, and extensive videography experience (including in several film competitions across Alberta), Adam’s creativity & digital marketing insight has helped reimagine the team’s social media vision & distribution for both BlockFlo & Blockchain North.

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